Thursday, October 20, 2011

Itanum Kalinaw I: the first big project

Peace Pillar Workshop

Peace Exhibit: Peace Pillars, Peace Sambolayang, Peace Program-Opening Ceremony, Peace Photos, Peace Bridge, Peace Signatures & Art Exhibit of Al Nezzar Ali-Moro Artist

 Peace Photo Exhibit

 Kalimudan members singing in the opening

I.                   Introduction

The Mindanao Problem - as government top brass and historians call it - has been long standing that it entails more than a logistical approach to address the issue.  For workers on the peace process and advocates of peace, it has posted a problem on how to message across areas where cultural boundaries have created pseudo stimuli for conflict.  More than the immediate rescue, relief and rehabilitation efforts, there is a need for sustained information and education component that really leaves an imprint.

For artists committed to be advocates of peace, this comes both as a challenge and an opportunity to create visual messages calling for support to peace building efforts in areas of conflict.  Peace that transcends limit, boundaries . . . peace that is centered on understanding and artistic expression

Project Rationale
As a contribution to the comprehensive initiatives to address the so-called Mindanao Problem,  Kalimudan Culture and Arts Center1, with support from the GoP-UN Act for Peace Programme spring-boarded  “Itanum Kalinaw – SOCSKSARGEN” in celebration of the Mindanao Week of Peace2.  This is the first step of Kalimudan’s effort in advocating peace through the arts, music and theater presentations. Likewise, it is aptly named – “Itanum Kalinaw” 3 - as it incorporates environmental protection as a component in attaining peace and peaceful living.
 1 an organization composed of performers, theater directors, visual artists, empowered women and people’s workers

2 The Mindanao Week of Peace, a symbolic and substantial multi-denominational and inter-religious observance of peace, was an off-shoot of Zamboanga City’s Peace Week and was adopted by the Bishops and Ulamas Conference- a dialogue between Christian church leaders and Muslim religious leaders as an answer to the alarming peace and order situation in Mindanao. Now on its 8th celebration since it was adopted and observed Mindanao-wide, The Mindanao Week of Peace 2006 will be a time to plant the seed of Peace.

3  Visayan terms which means plant peace

Kalimudan believes that caring for the Earth, advocating peace, and harnessing artistic talents in the advocacy for peace and environmental concerns all move in one direction and can be interpreted in the harmony of colors and images.  Arts, music and theater presentations are cultural tools that can transcend cultural boundaries, traditional biases and socio-political and religious prejudices, by touching the gamut of human emotions. 
The project ITANUM KALINAW is made up of the following components: 1) Arts for Peace – SOCSKSARGEN Exhibit; 2) Theater for Peace School Tour; 3) Peace Forum: Women and Children.  

This paper is a partial report of the project Itanum Kalinaw which covers only the conduct of the project’s first component, Arts for Peace - SOCSKSARGEN Exhibit, which was done last November 27 to December 06, 2006 in General Santos City. 

The first component, Arts for Peace - SOCSKSARGEN Exhibit, is composed of three (3) major components with some sub-components:

1.      Organized professional artists for peace
2.      Workshops for amateur artists
3.      Arts for Peace- SOCSKSARGEN Exhibit
a.       Salam Sambolayang
b.      Salam Mindanao Painting Exhibit
c.       Peace Totem Art Exhibit
d.      Tan-aw Mindanao Photo Exhibit
e.       Bridge of Peace
f.       Mindanao and Peace - video presentation

II.                Report

a.  Project Organizing

A series of brainstorming sessions were conducted and contacts were initiated with networks for possible participants and support groups for the project, legwork started by sending out invitations to professional artists and amateur artists through their respective schools for their participation in the proposed activities and competitions.  Colleagues in the people’s organization were also tapped to assist in the conduct of the activities  especially in the discussion of cultural issues relevant to the exploration of avenues for art in the social development.   As part of the technical and financial aspects of the project; contracts were also drawn for other technicalities relative to the conduct of the project such as the venue, documentation and promotion.  Preparations for the event also involved the finalization of the art pieces and sub-exhibits to be displayed at the venue.

b. Workshops

Kalimudan considered the importance of organizing both the professional and amateur artists groups for them to be harnessed as advocates, thus the series of workshops conducted on separate occasions.

b.i.   Workshop/Orientation/ for Salam Sambolayang  and  Organize the
         Professional Artists for Peace.

 Six (6) professional artists from SOCSKSARGEN were invited for an orientation on November 27, 2006 at the Kalimudan Culture and Arts Center.  Members Al-Nezzar Ali and Cecille Diono gave inputs on  “Culture of Peace” and on the varied ways visual arts can be an instrumental medium in the cultivation of peace advocacy.  With their openness and positive reception on the role of artists in the cause, the visual artists were formally organized and eventually pledged their commitment to become advocates of peace through the arts. The professional artists were then briefed on the mechanics of the Sambolayang Art competition where they will be invited to submit entries.

b.ii.  Workshop and Orientation for Peace Totem Art Participants.

The orientation and visual arts workshop for amateur artists was conducted at the Mindanao State University-CETD on November 28-29, 2006 with participants coming from the Notre Dame of Dadiangas University, NDDU IBED Lagao Campus Arts Group, Holy Trinity College, MSU-CETD and the SPED - Integrated School.  A total of 23 young artists participated in the workshop conducted by upcoming Maguindanaoan artist, Al-Nezzar Ali. An orientation/briefer on the concept of peace and the role of the arts in peace education and advocacy was given by Kalimudan President Romeo Narvaez.  In the briefer, the workshop participants were asked to relate peace with emotions, words, and colors.  The workshop proper  came in three components - creative, conceptual and application process.  In the creative process, workshop participants were invited to free their minds and were given mental exercises to refresh their state of thinking.  They were also tasked to “capture the moment”  by making large-size frames out of newspapers and mount tableaus ,with peace as a theme, behind the frames.  A critiquing of the presented tableau and frame ensued focused on the balance of art elements and the artistic approach employed by the presenting group. This came side by side with the analysis and critiquing of the paintings presented by the workshop facilitator.

            The conceptual process allowed the participants to conceptualize their perception and interpretation of peace by playing with colors, curves and images on paper as an exercise which will later be transformed into messages and expressions of peace during the production of workshop outputs.

            The application process came in two parts - the Mandala exercise and the totem pole painting.  The participants drew patterns on a circular cardboard as a pledge of commitment that they will be artists for peace and environmental preservation. Then came the group exercise of painting the totem poles.  Originally, totem poles were used by native American-Indians for the purpose of telling a story and/or announcing a person’s stature. For this purpose, instead of the carved images of Indians, eagles and the like etched on logs, the evolved totem poles were constructed free - standing boxes with flat side panels ideal for painting images.  Here, the workshop participants as a group discussed what images to paint on one side which will connect or relate with the images on the other sides eventually telling a story or carrying a message of peace as a whole.  In this exercise, the artist have the chance to express his artistic interpretation of peace but at the same time exercises his role as part of a team with a common goal.

            Finalization of the peace totems as workshop outputs was extended for half day of November 29, 2006 since the participants were not able to finish the peace totems the previous day.  By the later half of the day, the totems were brought to the exhibit hall located at the walkway of KCC Mall of Gensan.
c. Art for Peace Exhibit

            The “Itanum Kalinaw: Art for Peace Project – SOCSKSARGEN Exhibit” was installed at the walkway of the KCC  Mall of Gen. Santos, which ran from November 30-December 06, 2006.  It was well-attended and warmly received by the public, proof of which was the number of people who came to attend the opening and flock to the venue through out the run of the exhibition.

c.i. Salam Sambolayang Art Competition and Exhibit.

Six (6) entries from professional artists  were submitted and the artists focused on their interpretations of peace and peace advocacy painted on “sambolayangs” – traditional Moro ceremonial décor.  The entries were hung at the mall.  Entries to the Sambolayang art competition were earlier judged prior to the opening of the exhibit, to give the judges ample time to give their ratings without the presence of the artists and the viewing public.  The winning entry was entitled Gugma, Ugat, Kalinaw. The  judges, all noted personalities in the visual arts were: 1) Mr. Norman Narciso, Ateneo Davao Faculty for Fine Arts and SouthMindanao Representative to the Visual Arts Committee, NCCA, 2) Mr. Bing Cariño, former South Mindanao Representative to Visual Arts, NCCA and Mr. Al-Nezzar Ali, upcoming visual artists from SOCSKSARGEN and the exhibit curator.

c.ii. Salam Mindanao  
       Painting Exhibit.

This is composed of 15-piece exhibit of Maguindanaoan visual artist Al-Nezzar Ali. Ali’s paintings were mirrors of Mindanao - Muslims’
c.iii. Peace Totem Art.

An art exhibit for amateur artists who joined the visual arts workshop conducted by the Kalimudan.  Seven (7) totem poles were put up on display and most noted among the totems was the output of the SPED Integrated School which showed images of two young girls - undoubtedly Muslim and Christian - holding intertwining beads of prayer - the “Pasbi” and the “Rosary”.   It earned the titled “Beads of Peace”.

c.iv. Tan-aw Mindanao Photo Exhibit.

This is an exhibit of pictures about the history of Mindanao’s progression, Minadanao’s culture, stages of the so-called Mindanao problem and how the nation’s leaders addressed the issue, as captured by national photojournalists.

c.v. Mindanao and Peace: Video Showing.

This is a presentation of video documentaries of Mindanao - its people and culture ; and how life in  Mindanao drastically changed at the outbreak of conflict, were shown along with video presentations on the Herculean cost of war as compared to how the budget for armaments could have improved the lives of people in the country side had the budget been used to provide adequate seeds and farm inputs, school buildings and other provisions for education. Opening Ritual.

During the opening day; November 30, 2006, the MSU Kabpapagariya Ensemble filled the atmosphere with a truly Mindanaoan flair with the Kulintangan and traditional dances.  The formal opening was graced by personalities from both the government and people’s sector.  Guests during the ribbon cutting ceremony were Col. Virgilio Tobias who represented the Office of the Vice Governor of Sarangani, Councilor Shirlyn Nograles-Bañas of the City of General Santos and Sister Susan O. Belonio and the OND sisters of the HESED Foundation. Members of the Kalimudan Culture and Arts Center and volunteer marshals ushered guests and viewers around the exhibit area where they were treated to a feast of visual expressions in connection with peace advocacy.  After a short program where the project’s objectives and goals were shared with the public and the guests were  asked for their impression and comments, the exhibit was then open for public viewing. Aside from the regular Kalimudan members, ten (10) volunteer marshals, were also deployed to oversee the flow of human traffic and safeguard the artworks.

c.vii Closing Ritual.

The closing ceremony on December 06, 2006 was made more meaningful with the mini-concert of folk singer Susan Zerrudo who rendered songs of the Asin Band, most noted for songs with themes on  social consciousness such as “ Kapaligiran” which centered on the need for environmental preservation.   Video presentations were also shown which carried themes and messages on environmental concerns and its relationship with other social issues (i.e. how peaceful life can be with clean air, clean water, no war, more jobs, etc.)  Announcement of winners and distribution of prizes for the winning entries of the Sambolayang Art Competition was also conducted during the closing program. The winners, with their corresponding prizes were:
1st Prize- Edrick Aguirre
2nd Prize –  Paul Aban
3rd Prize-    Herbert Tirador

c.viii. Bridge of Peace.

There was also a structure called the “Bridge of Peace” which was initially crossed by the performers and later on was affixed with names, signatures and messages signifying support from the viewing public.  Aside from names and signatures of supporters, scribbled on the bridge were messages urging people to reach out, be involved and to forward the peace process.   There were also words of encouragement for the organizers of the activity to continue the efforts for peace advocacy.

III.   Insights/Comments/Perspectives: “What Do the Critics/Visitors Say”

            As an activity aimed at sending a call for unified and sustained efforts for peace education and advocacy, where the efficiency of the effort is gauged on the reception of the public and how they are moved to be advocates and supporters of the cause, it is essential that the people’s reactions are noted.

            “ The Art for Peace activity is very laudable and is a sort of call for support not only for the people of Gen. Santos City and Sarangani but for the whole of SOCSKSARGEN and Mindanao as well, to support peace. It is also very laudable that the artists chose to use traditional Muslim cultural emblems such as the Kulintangan and the Sambolayang as manifestations that the peace process transcends culture and religion and that the people must reach out to others in order to attain peace’”

Col. Virgilio Tobias
                                                                              Office of the Vice Governor,
Sarangani Province

            “ I wish to congratulate the organizers of this Art for peace Exhibit for uniting the Muslims and Christians of this region and for enriching the heart of the City of gen. Santos.”

Hon. Shirlyn Nograles-Bañas

   Sangguniang Panlungsod Member
City of General Santos

            “ Work for peace is really hard work and we commend the Kalimudan for using art works as a medium to call for peace and this truly a good concept.”

Sister Susan O. Belonio, OND

HESED Foundation

            “ It is very impressive that our young artists are very supportive of the cause, of the need to be advocates of peace through art, and it is equally impressive that these artists, despite their youth, have this vivid interpretations of peace that even reaches out to understanding between the Muslim and Christian faith.”

Mrs. Estellita Aquino

Office of Physical Education, Sports and Cultural Affairs
                                                                Mindanao State University - Gen. Santos

Masaya po kami at nagkaroon ng ganitong exhibit at nakilala po ang aming Kapagari na artist. Nagpapakita po ito na kaming mga Muslim ay nakikiisa rin sa pagsulong ng Kapayapaan sa Mindanao.” ( We are happy to see this exhibit and we are very proud that our fellow Muslim was given this recognition. This just shows that the Muslims are one with the people of Mindanao in pursuing the call for Peace in Mindanao.)

                        a Tausug parent accompanying her child see the exhibit at the mall

“ The art works are more than visual messages calling for Peace in Mindanao. We hope that more students will be given the chance to come and view the paintings so that peace will be a by-word of many young Mindanaoans.”

                                                                              Mrs. Ronela Rasul
                                                                             Secondary School Teacher

“ You should be proud of this display of talent, of this exhibit, because this is your heritage.’

- a  foreign national to his Filipina friend as overheard by one volunteer marshal

“ Hindi ko  naisip na puwede palang gamitin ang Sambolayang para gawing canvass and much more, na peace pa ang concept ng painting. ( I never imagined using the Sambolayang as a canvass and much more, that peace is the concept of the painting.) Very artistic!”
                                                            -student artist from Holy Trinity College

”Sayang ngayon lang namin nadala ang mga bata dito ( Too bad we just brought our kids now.) It’s the last day of the exhibit. We should have brought them earlier. It’s very educational.”
                                                -a parent with kids viewing the exhibit on a Sunday

“ We also had our Mindanao Week of Peace activities for the broadcast media. Had we got the chance we cold have made a tie-up and give more media mileage of the activity.”
                                                                                    Fr. Angel Buenavista
                                                                                    Station Manager- DXCP AM

I was invited by a friend who happens to be with the group who organized this activity and I see that I might as well require my students to attend, they will surely learn a lot.”

                                    High School teacher from Lagao National High School

“ I thought the paintings and the other art works were for sale. When I learned they were not, I was a bit sad. But then on second thought, I guess I’m relieved  that they’re not, this way, more people can appreciate the paintings and internalize the message of peace conveyed. Good work, people of Mindanao!”

                                                                        Freddie J. Socco
                                                            General Manager- Silver Vault Marketing

IV. Recommendations

     Kalimudan has just wrapped up the Art for Peace SOCSKSARGEN Exhibit component of the project Itanum Kalinaw.  The other components of Itanum Kalinaw - Theater for Peace School Tour and Peace Forum: Women and Children - which will compose the second leg of the project, are slated on February - March, 2007. 
     As a result of the Art for Peace – SOCSKSARGEN Exhibit and inspired by the reception and reviews of the public and critics, the following are recommended:

1)       Kalimudan in consultation with GoP-UN Act for Peace Programme will package a mobile exhibit to address several requests by educational institutions, NGOs and other government agencies to bring the exhibit to their localities;

2)       Kalimudan proposes to come up with a calendar for 2008 that will feature selected Artworks for Peace done by youths from conflict-torn areas.  This calendar will be one of the by-products of an extensive art workshop to be conducted in selected areas.  The art workshop will also serve as a form of peace therapy;

3)       Another proposal is to expand the areas covered by Itanum Kalinaw.  The future project will be named Itanum Kalinaw 2 and this will cover not only more areas of the SOCSKSARGEN but also of Davao Sur, North Cotabato, Maguindanaon, etc.  Davao City is proposed to be the convergence area for the final exhibit and showcase;

4)       In order to heighten and sustain the favorable reception the project, Itanum Kalinaw, received during its run, it is proposed that Theater for Peace Festival will be held in General Santos City on November, 2007 during the Week of Peace Celebration.  The Theater for Peace Festival will feature theater productions for peace done by Moro groups, Lumad youths and settlers.

Details of either of the four proposals/recommendations will be provided for study.

culture, celebrations and festivities, interpretations of passages from the Qur’an, traditional practices such as circumcision and burial rituals